A blazing fast recipe finder for college students.

2018-10-19 — 2018-10-21 •🏅 Georgia Tech HackGT 2018
  • Adding ingredients to the list.
    Adding ingredients to the list.
  • Setting budget & time.
    Setting budget & time.
  • Looking through available recipes.
    Looking through available recipes.
  • Reading the recipe details.
    Reading the recipe details.

What is this?

ChopChop is a mobile app targeted for college students where you can take notes of the ingredients that you currently have, your budget, and your available time. It will then help you find healthy recipes that suit your needs. To make things even faster, you can also take a picture of your ingredients so ChopChop can recognize and add them to your list!

Our team won the “Best UX” award out of 189 submissions.

What did you do?

I worked on the app’s UI and UX. I also used Firebase for the database and integrated Algolia for the ingredient search.

How was this built?